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Spiritual  Awakening


for most of my life

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When I was 16 I took my first Psychology class and knew this is what I wanted to do and study. I'd understood early on that as human beings we are a fascinating mystery.


At 17 I had an English teacher who taught me about Buddhism and meditation, and it felt like a deep "YES" in my whole being.

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From that time onward my only prayer in life was, "'I want to awaken to my true nature.”" 

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Growing up in Salt Lake City, Utah I was exposed to religion and I had a curiosity about what and who was God.

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Buddha Statue

There were many twists and turns through my 20’s but through it all Psychology was what I wanted to study and meditation was the thing I did and loved.

Then I discovered there was such a thing as Transpersonal Psychology, I was shocked thinking,

“You mean I can study these spiritual traditions, and different forms of psychology and they will give me a degree!?


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The spiritual path can seem like anything but a path, rather more like making your way through a forest at night.

My purpose is to help guide you home... to yourself.

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So off to Palo Alto, California and

The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.


During my studies there I discovered Adyashanti, my first formal spiritual teacher. I attended multiple silent retreats per year for over 15 years.


I studied with Dorothy Hunt (Adya asked her to teach), meeting regularly for Dokusan (meeting privately with a spiritual teacher) and attending her much smaller and more intimate retreats for over 10 years.


Through the years I've also studied the teachings of Eckart Tolle, Gangaji, and Ramana Maharshi and the paths of Zen.


I found myself most resonate to the path of Avaita- the direct path. 

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Whether you are a new or a longtime spiritual seeker we will start with where you are.


I will guide you to experience your profound True Nature.


Life is wanting to open and deepen for you.


Will you allow it?

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